Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Things I learned from diabetes this month: June edition

-There are some great companies out there, quietly doing some wonderful things for our kids... one of them being Hawaiian Falls.  A few weeks ago we learned that they were doing a Champions Day; where they'd open the water park early and have a two hour time period set aside for kids with special needs.  The kids were admitted free, and any other family member got in for just $5.  We were then allowed to spend as long as we wanted at the park for the rest of the day.  Elise is such a little dare devil and had a blast!  Unfortunately, we learned about it the night before it happened and weren't able to spread the word to our other D-Peeps, but I hope they do it again next year.  Thanks Hawaiian Falls!

-Elise LOVES the spotlight!  We were asked to take part in a photoshoot for some specially made superhero capes, and she put on quite the performance.  I loved watching her enthusiastic antics as she ran around trying to show off just how super she is.  Even more fun?  We got to hang out with Super Nate!  Here's a sneak peak of the dynamic duo's cuteness:

Thanks to our photographer extraordinaire, Tressa Thomas, and to Superkid Capes.  Elise was allowed to keep her outfit and slept in it that night.

-My baby girl really isn't my baby girl anymore.  I saw that a bunch of D-Moms of toddlers were having a get-together and it dawned on me... we no longer fit into that group.  But I am amazed and so proud to watch how she is growing, especially when it comes to her diabetes.  She now not only checks her own BG and boluses herself, but she likes to figure out the carb counts as well.  She's pretty good... when she has a banana, she's generally only off by 1 - 2g of carbs.  Where did my baby go???


  1. I LOVE that picture! Certainly not a toddler anymore :( but it makes my heart happy to see them grow!

  2. LOVE the pic of Elise and Super Nate!!! And I love that she slept in the outfit that night...how adorable!!!

  3. What fun June sounded great :) Hope July is awesome, too! Can't wait to see more super hero pics.

  4. Hate that they grow up so fast!
    What a beautiful young lady she is becoming!!

    Love that she slept in her outfit...why don't we as adults ever do that?

  5. aw man, great pics! it's bittersweet when they jump from one group to the next eh? she's a big kid for sure! way to go on carb guessing for her!

  6. I honestly don't think your little super hero could be any cuter! honestly - it warms my heart just to see her face - I can't imagine how she makes you melt. Love the uniforms (not costumes since they are worn by actual super heroes).

  7. LOVE LOVE the superhero picture!


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