Friday, September 7, 2012

THIS guy...

... was born two years ago today.  To say I love him is like saying Texas can be a little warm in the summer.  In other words, a HUGE understatement.  There is something so adorable, so stinkin' edible about my little man.  He is both sweet and a whirling dirvish of crazy at the same time and I wouldn't have him any other way.

Happy Birthday sweet, adorable, hilarious Mattias.  Thank you for making me laugh every day.


  1. He is so stinkin' cute! Happy Birthday Matthias!

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday, Little Man!!

  3. Wow, 2 years!!?? Seems like yesterday we were all so happy for number 2 :) He is a super cutie!!!

  4. I am with Kelly...where did the time go? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sweet, crazy Mattias!

  5. That second picture is so sweet! I think I started reading your blog when he was just a little baby. Time flies!

  6. How the heck has it been two years already???? He is such a sweet little cutie. :)


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