I'm not on Faceboook, but my husband is. Or was, I guess. He's sort of on hiatus. I will pop on his account (with his permission) and see what's going on in the world of our people.
A few days ago, on the top of his feed were some pictures of a little girl of a friends of ours sitting in an ambulance. There was a lot of text thanking people for prayers, but immediately my eyes were drawn to the words Type 1 Diabetes.
And with that, we welcomed another into our family.
We first met N and her family almost three years ago. We were part of a group camping our to get our kids into the dual language program at our school. They have a girl Elise's age, and another girl who is only a week older than Lucas.
N has always been wonderful in regards to Elise's diabetes. She was a room mom and would always contact me about what goodies were going to be offered at the parties. She would ask questions about what Elise could eat, or what would be a better alternative. They walked with Team Elise, even after they moved to another state and happened to be in town during the last walk. Things like that mean the world to us and Elise... especially when people who live in town can't even be bothered.
It was the younger daughter who was dx'd. Her name is V and she's just about as sweet and precocious as they come. I spent some time on the phone with her Mom, and I can tell they will rock life with type 1. I just wished they lived closer.
As much as I hate hearing about another child being diagnosed, these are the ones hurt that the worst.
1 year ago