DBlog week - Day 2
The Cost of a Chronic Illness- Insulin and other diabetes medications and supplies can be costly. Here in the US, insurance status and age (as in Medicare eligibility) can impact both the cost and coverage. So today, let’s discuss how cost impacts our diabetes care. Do you have advice to share? For those outside the US, is cost a concern? Are there other factors such as accessibility or education that cause barriers to your diabetes care?
My friends are always astounded at just how much it costs to keep Elise alive. I don't share it with many people, but there are times I get worked up about the cost of insulin, which makes them curious as to how much a vial of insulin costs.
After they goe over their inital shock, they always ask, "WHY?" Which leads to a rant about pharmacutical companies, insurance companies, and how the whole THE WHOLE DAMN SYSTEM IS BROKEN.
At which point, the friend is sorry they ever aksed.
But as broken as it is, my family is lucky to have good health insurance. It's still not cheap, but we can afford what we need. Even to so-called "extras" like a CGM. And we have access to all the latest and greatest technology.
But, as some of you know, my husband and I are not from the U.S. And some days we dream of moving to another country, just for a new experience.
And, if I'm being completely honest, diabetes gives us (well, me) pause. Because there are so many "what ifs" when it comes to diabetes. What is we can't get the supplies we're used to? And how expensive are the "extras". What if the standard of care is not what we expect? What if it's even harder to get what we need than it is now?
Because, like water flowing down a hill, I would much rather take the path of least resistance. Living here is not bad, but it IS known. And therefore, not scary.
The unknown for me? Very scary.
I can't heap all of the blame onto diabetes. It gets trickier when there are kids involved. Our older two are in a great school; where they're involved in a wonderful GT program, dual language and STEM. Not to mention we have the BEST school nurse in the world.
So here we stay. Provided for and comfortable. Happy, even. But still curious to what the rest of the world could hold if diabetes was not a part of our world.
I just wanted to add that I get the whole "don't let diabetes stop you from doing anything" thing. I just wanted to be honest about who I am, and how sometimes, diabetes can make it easy for me to say no. I'm getting better... Elise has been to two (!!!) sleepovers in the last few months. I'm doing my best, despite the fear, to not let diabetes rob her of any experiences. It's a constant battle, friends.
I can totally relate to this post! I have often thought about living in another country but diabetes is always a reason not to. Although, we are slowly moving to where I don't know what to expect in the future with coverage so maybe I'll finally get the courage to try somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteI get it. We could retire and move to Mexico or Spain or wherever but - - I watch those International House Hunters on HGTV and I'm so jealous of people who don't have to worry about healthcare on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteNothing at all wrong with choosing what you know and the path of least resistance. Doesn't at all mean you are letting diabetes stop you. ❤️